< img height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=204993361521468&ev=PageView &noscript=1"/>

{{ leftChances }} {{ $t('chances_left') }}

1. Eligibility: Open to all registered users. One smashing opportunity per day.
2. How to Play: Choose and smash one of the nine golden eggs to potentially unveil a coupon.
3. Prize Details: Coupons are valid for discounts during the promotional period only.
4. Additional Info: oraimo reserves the right to interpret and make final decisions regarding the promotion.
5. Please redeem any coupons or prizes before the game's end date-28th June 2024.

{{ prize.name }} - {{ $t('coupon') }} -

{{ $t('a_coupon_has_been_sent_to_your_account') }}

{{ $t('check_my_coupon') }}

{{ $t('almost_had_it') }}

{{ $t('no_win_this_time') }} {{ $t('keep_playing_more_games_await') }}